Solar & Wind Tax Credits Extended

In a rare moment of applause-worthy accomplishment, Congress bargained to extend the solar and wind tax credits for another five years. Coming on the heels of the climate agreement reached at COP21, this milestone will further bolster the alternative energy industry, and move us ever further down the road to energy sustainability.

The negotiated tradeoff was opening up US oil production to world markets. The oil export ban has been in place for 40 years. In our opinion, this is a minor give for a major take. With oil prices at less than $35 per barrel today, the impact will be minimal, and we don’t see that price rising appreciably any time soon.

We believe this is just another reason to be divesting from fossil fuels and reinvesting in sustainable forms of energy, energy efficiency and other advanced technologies. Visit our Green Sage Sustainability Portfolio or our Fossil Fuel Free Portfolios to find out how you can take advantage of these opportunities.