Washington Advocacy Trip: Part 1
I arrived in Washington DC last week to join 20 other business leaders as part of E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs) advocacy week. This was a very dynamic and accomplished group and I was honored to be a part it.
They broke us up into teams and again, I was amazed at the quality of individuals they had assembled. My team included:
- Marc Boom, the E2 Director of Advocacy
- Mark Bauhaus, a technology veteran from silicon valley, and partner at JustBusiness
- Ethan Garber, CEO of IdleAir
- Norm Seip, USAF Lieutenant General (Ret), national security consultant

Our team in the Russell Senate Office Building
We had multiple objectives for our meetings:
- Demonstrate to legislators and the administration the importance of marrying economic and environmental interests.
- Establish relationships with legislators on both sides of the aisle.
- Discuss our policy agenda which include
- The importance of incentives and renewable energy tax credits
- Clean energy financing opportunities
- Climate Change legislation and rules
- The EPA Clean Power Plan
- A Transportation Bill that is sustainable both financially and environmentally
- Continued support for the military’s research into renewable energy
A couple of very busy days awaited of us after our briefing on Monday night. Part 2 will go over our first day of advocacy…
Great stuff! Wish you could add an objective questioning the out of control rush to build huge pipelines for transport of fracked natural gas with no overall planning or examination of cumulative impact. Already 10 proposed to cross the Appalachian Trail, with perhaps another 10 to come this year.