Entries by Pete Krull

On the French Revolution

Excellent opinion piece by Alan Feuer in the New York Times this weekend regarding global income inequality. Mr. Feuer writes about how some billionaires are coming out and discussing the need for change to a more equitable and sustainable system.

Sustainability can be viewed in many ways – environmental is what we typically see, but it also applies to business and economics.… Read the rest

Why the World is Ending…

This week, the Western North Carolina environmental non-profit, MountainTrue (which I’m the board chair) hosted the Wild & Scenic Film Festival at Asheville Community Theater. The short films were inspiring, enlightening, sobering and thought-provoking.

One entitled Why I Think This World Should End by Prince Ea in particular really grabbed me – it wasn’t exactly focused on environmental issues, but humanity.… Read the rest

Fossil Fuel Divestment Gaining Momentum

Recently, the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, announced that it would be selling shares of Duke Energy and other coal-burning utilities from it’s portfolio. Why is this important? Because the pension fund is one of Duke’s largest shareholders, holding around 0.76 percent of the company’s outstanding shares.… Read the rest