Mr. Krull Goes to Washington

I am looking forward to heading to Washington, DC on April 27th as part of a coalition of environmental-based entrepreneurs meeting with lawmakers and administration officials. The trip is being organized by E2, Environmental Entrepreneurs, a non-partisan community of business leaders who promote sound environmental policy that builds economic prosperity.… Read the rest

Duke Energy Misses an Opportunity to Do the Right Thing

60 Minutes aired an investigative segment on Duke Energy and their Dan River coal ash spill. Leslie Stahl did a very good job of asking tough questions, but gave Duke CEO Lynn Good more than enough opportunities to be proactive and change the direction of the company.… Read the rest

Thoughts on Low Oil Prices

We’ve seen a precipitous decline in the price of oil over the past several months. Market analysts and economists have been chiming in with their opinions on the effects. Here is ours based on our socially & environmentally responsible strategies…

First and foremost we see low oil prices as a tremendous threat to the environmentally unfriendly practice of fracking and even worse, tar sands.… Read the rest

Why investing with your values matters

It doesn’t matter if I invest with my values – all that matters is making a profit, right?… Read the rest