“SRI 2.0” is Not What You Think – You Really Can Have it All

A lot of folks think all we do is get rid of oil companies and invest in solar, but responsible investing is much more than that. Once known as Socially Responsible Investing, SRI has gotten both broader and deeper as it evolved into Sustainable, Responsible, and Impact Investing.… Read the rest

[ Financial Planning ] Doing Right by clients and the planet with SRIs

It seems like every day a new socially responsible fund pops up.

In 2020 alone, 90 new funds were brought to market. Moving into 2021, there were 392 such sustainable fund offerings comprising $51.1 billion. And they’re quickly adding new assets — 40% of that $51.1 billion came in the fourth quarter alone — and there’s no signs of slowing.… Read the rest

[ Kiplinger ] SRI and ESG are Not Interchangeable. Here’s Why We Choose SRI.

If you’ve been reading the news lately, you’ve likely heard a lot about ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and/or SRI (Sustainable, Responsible and Impact) investing. While the terms are commonly used interchangeably, there are stark differences between the two that every investor should be aware of.… Read the rest

[ MarketWatch ] Buyer beware: What’s really in your ‘earth-friendly’ ESG fund?

Some socially conscious mutual funds and ETFs own stocks that seem strangely out of place.

Sustainable, responsible, and impact (SRI) investing used to be dominated by mutual fund companies whose mission was to align their investment strategies with their values. Companies such as Calvert, Domini, Parnassus, and Pax World invested responsibly to make the world a better place.… Read the rest

Empowering Your Dollars to Change the World

The Traditional Investor Mindset – Profitable Blind Faith 

First things first – before your investment dollars can change a single thing, you simply must know where your money is going. 

Sure, you may have some money invested, and it may be delivering steady returns, but many investors don’t know or even know to ask their financial advisor a few crucial questions: what companies am I supporting with my investments and do those companies’ values align with mine?Read the rest

Addendum: The Boom in ESG Shows No Signs of Slowing, Bloomberg Green

Photography: Francis Dean/Corbis News


I was quoted today in a great article in Bloomberg discussing the growth of ESG investing in addition to the risks of greenwashing as the big fund management firms join the fray – especially Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager with over $8 trillion managed.Read the rest

Earth Equity Quarterly Client Webinar October 2020

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Market Commentary

Note: This commentary was sent to Earth Equity clients on August 14, 2019

We seeing a considerable drop in world stock markets today. I blame this negative movement on a number of factors, including the geopolitical shenanigans related to the trade war with China.… Read the rest