Thoughts on Low Oil Prices

We’ve seen a precipitous decline in the price of oil over the past several months. Market analysts and economists have been chiming in with their opinions on the effects. Here is ours based on our socially & environmentally responsible strategies…

First and foremost we see low oil prices as a tremendous threat to the environmentally unfriendly practice of fracking and even worse, tar sands.… Read the rest

Advisor vs. Broker

In this video blog, Neill Yelverton explains the difference between Advisors and Brokers.  Many people do not know there is a difference.  That difference matters.  At Krull and Company we empower you with knowledge.

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Why investing with your values matters

It doesn’t matter if I invest with my values – all that matters is making a profit, right?… Read the rest

Asking the Right Question

Does it seem to that you’re always looking for “the answer?” We have a tendency to focus on finding the answer without spending enough time on making sure we’re asking the right question.

Ten years ago I was lucky enough to ask the right questions: Is there a way that I can help my clients invest differently?… Read the rest