Pete Krull’s interview on Green Guy Radio


I had the honor of being the guest on the Green Guy Radio Show last week with Eric Moncrief. Had a great time discussing responsible investing, fossil fuel divestment, sustainability and more! Please take some time to listen to the show and share with your family and friends.… Read the rest

Our Thoughts on BREXIT

By now you’ve heard the news that Britain has voted to withdraw from the European Union. The repercussions for the UK could be profound as the island nation finds itself to be an economic and political island this morning.

The vast majority of financial, political and international relations experts warned British voters of the implications of a ‘leave’ vote and they ignored the advice.… Read the rest

So You’ve (Unexpectedly) Inherited Some Money…What Next?

It can feel like a rollercoaster when you unexpectedly receive news of an inheritance. It could be completely out of the blue, or it could include a larger or smaller sum than you thought might be available. Here are five steps to navigate your new financial situation, and how to best handle it when others may be involved.… Read the rest

Meeting Katharine Hayhoe and Thoughts on Climate Change

Raised by an environmental scientist, I have heard about global warming for as long as I can remember. However, as I am reminded each holiday when I sit down with extended family and friends, there are still many people I know and love who do not accept climate change.… Read the rest

How Climate Change Will Greatly Impact the Global Economy

Recently, Schroders Economics Group released its Climate Change Survey 2016, which supplemented its report on The Impact of Climate Change on the Global Economy. Schroders sent the survey to 18 investment banks and brokerage firms, and received five responses, all of which stated that global warming presents an “Extremely Significant” or “Significant” threat to the global economy in the current century.… Read the rest

Why TIAA-Cref, Why?

Financial Services for the Greater Good is the tagline for TIAA-CREF – the largest financial services firm serving educators. One would think that by saying greater good they would mean society as a whole – instead it appears to mean their pocketbook!… Read the rest

Bold Moves: Making An Impact Through Investments

On September 3rd, we welcomed Vincent Stanley of Patagonia and Leslie Samuelrich of Green Century Investments to Asheville for our Krull & Company Lecture Series at Warren Wilson College.

We are excited to share the event with you now!

Make sure to check out the rest of our site, including our Fossil-Fuel-Free investments.… Read the rest

The Papal Encyclical & Interfaith Power and Light Collaboration

Align your Investments with your Faith Values

At Krull & Company, many of our clients are people of faith – they make aligning their investments with their values a priority.… Read the rest

Fossil Fuel Divestment Gaining Momentum

Recently, the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, announced that it would be selling shares of Duke Energy and other coal-burning utilities from it’s portfolio. Why is this important? Because the pension fund is one of Duke’s largest shareholders, holding around 0.76 percent of the company’s outstanding shares.… Read the rest

Thoughts on Low Oil Prices

We’ve seen a precipitous decline in the price of oil over the past several months. Market analysts and economists have been chiming in with their opinions on the effects. Here is ours based on our socially & environmentally responsible strategies…

First and foremost we see low oil prices as a tremendous threat to the environmentally unfriendly practice of fracking and even worse, tar sands.… Read the rest