
Renewable Energy 101: Say Hello To Geothermal

Geothermal energy is simply the use of the heat from the earth we live on.

Generally, it’s captured by pulling hot water and steam from beneath the surface and once the heat energy is utilized, returning it in the form of warm water to be heated again.… Read the rest

Renewable Energy 101: The Power of Wind

As an option for sustainable alternative power resources, wind energy is in the forefront as a viable choice. It is a renewable resource, so the supply will never deplete, and unlike conventional power plants, wind turbines or wind farms produce no pollutants or greenhouse gases.… Read the rest

Renewable Energy 101: Hydro Power

Hydroelectric power, or hydropower, is the kinetic energy created by moving water captured by turbines and converted to electricity by generators.

Hydropower is actually one of the oldest forms of power production on earth, dating as far back as ancient Greek farmers using it for mechanical tasks such as grinding grain.

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Renewable Energy 101: Get to Know Solar

The first thing to come to mind when the words “clean energy” are used is solar power.  Solar power simply means taking the energy emitted by the sun and converting it to electricity through the use of solar panels. Harnessing the power of the sun was one of the first ways people considered as a power alternative to the traditional power sources derived from coal and natural gas for the purposes of lowering greenhouse gases and our dependence on the finite stores of fossil fuels.… Read the rest

Human Resources Just Got Greener With Conscious-k

Krull & Company recently introduced Conscious-k, a new 401(k) solution for business owners and human resources personnel.

“We want to help companies create sustainable legacies and a value that goes beyond the bottom line,” says Pete Krull, founder of Krull & Company.… Read the rest

Should Your Church Divest?

In the 21st century, religious congregations and committees must face the necessary integration of creation care with their commitment to stewardship. This isn’t a question of if, it’s a question of how. Simply having awareness of environmental and social issues is no longer an option for stewardship.… Read the rest

Pete Krull’s interview on Green Guy Radio


I had the honor of being the guest on the Green Guy Radio Show last week with Eric Moncrief. Had a great time discussing responsible investing, fossil fuel divestment, sustainability and more! Please take some time to listen to the show and share with your family and friends.… Read the rest

Presbyterian Church USA Misses the Mark on Fossil Fuel Divestment

The Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) had a chance last week to make history.… Read the rest

Bold Moves: Making An Impact Through Investments

On September 3rd, we welcomed Vincent Stanley of Patagonia and Leslie Samuelrich of Green Century Investments to Asheville for our Krull & Company Lecture Series at Warren Wilson College.

We are excited to share the event with you now!

Make sure to check out the rest of our site, including our Fossil-Fuel-Free investments.… Read the rest

The Papal Encyclical & Interfaith Power and Light Collaboration

Align your Investments with your Faith Values

At Krull & Company, many of our clients are people of faith – they make aligning their investments with their values a priority.… Read the rest