Dollars & Change: The Expert's Guide to Sustainable & Responsible Investing With Rachel Robasciotti

Transforming Finance to Foster Social Justice with Rachel Robasciotti

In this enriching episode of Dollars & Change: The Expert’s Guide to Sustainable & Responsible Investing, Peter Krull joins Rachel Robasciotti, the CEO and Founder of Adasina Social Capital, at the ESG for Impact conference near Boulder, Colorado. The conversation dives deep into the heart of sustainable and responsible investing, with a focus on social justice.

Rachel shares her personal journey from growing up in a segregated, impoverished community in Oroville, California, to founding an impact asset management firm that champions racial, gender, economic, and climate justice through the financial markets.

One of Adasina’s remarkable achievements includes spearheading a campaign to end forced arbitration for sexual harassment, showcasing the power of collective investor action. Their efforts, part of a larger strategy involving investor mobilization and data-sharing, lead to significant changes in corporate practices and legislative reforms.

Rachel’s discussion also highlights the urgent need for addressing systemic inequalities, such as the exploitative sub-minimum wage issue that disproportionately affects marginalized communities. Through Adasina’s targeted investment strategies and coalition-building efforts, they are not just envisioning but enacting a more equitable and sustainable world.

Ending on a note of hope, Rachel stresses the importance of reweaving the thread of our shared humanity. By aligning financial investments with social justice objectives, we have an opportunity to significantly impact communities worldwide. Adasina Social Capital’s work exemplifies the transformative potential of responsible investing, setting a precedent for how asset managers can contribute to societal change.

If you are interested in learning more about aligning your financial investments with social justice listen to the full episode here.

If you haven’t had the chance, be sure to catch our previous episodes with our distinguished guests:

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The Earth Equity Team.