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Washington Advocacy Trip: Part 1
/in Renewable Energy, Responsible Business/by Pete KrullI arrived in Washington DC last week to join 20 other business leaders as part of E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs) advocacy week. This was a very dynamic and accomplished group and I was honored to be a part it.
They broke us up into teams and again, I was amazed at the quality of individuals they had assembled.… Read the rest
Preparing to Meet Lawmakers
/in Renewable Energy, Responsible Business/by Pete KrullMelissa and I arrived safe and sound in DC this morning. I’m very much looking forward to heading to Capital Hill tomorrow morning with my colleagues from E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs).
We are divided up into several groups. My group will include two other green entrepreneurs and a retired General.… Read the rest
Mr. Krull Goes to Washington
/in Renewable Energy, Responsible Business/by Pete KrullI am looking forward to heading to Washington, DC on April 27th as part of a coalition of environmental-based entrepreneurs meeting with lawmakers and administration officials. The trip is being organized by E2, Environmental Entrepreneurs, a non-partisan community of business leaders who promote sound environmental policy that builds economic prosperity.… Read the rest