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On the Importance of Responsible Business
/in Responsible Business/by Leesa SluderAfter formally entering the field of socially and environmentally responsible investing in the past year, I am intrigued as I observe the volume and variety of discussion in the media directly and indirectly relating to this topic. After a 25+ year career in corporate finance, and while engaged in a second career in coaching and psychology, I learned about the triple bottom line philosophy. … Read the rest
Bold Moves: Making An Impact Through Investments
/in Community Impact Investing, Company News, Fossil Fuel Divestment, Sustainable Investing/by Pete KrullOn September 3rd, we welcomed Vincent Stanley of Patagonia and Leslie Samuelrich of Green Century Investments to Asheville for our Krull & Company Lecture Series at Warren Wilson College.
We are excited to share the event with you now!
Make sure to check out the rest of our site, including our Fossil-Fuel-Free investments.… Read the rest
Krull & Company Enters the Charlotte Market
/in Company News/by Pete KrullWe are very excited to announce that Leesa Childress Sluder has joined Krull & Company as an Investment Advisor. Leesa brings with her a wealth of experience as a former banking executive and a consultant focusing on the triple bottom line.… Read the rest
On the French Revolution
/in Community Impact Investing, Investing in Women and Girls, SRI Investing/by Pete KrullExcellent opinion piece by Alan Feuer in the New York Times this weekend regarding global income inequality. Mr. Feuer writes about how some billionaires are coming out and discussing the need for change to a more equitable and sustainable system.
Sustainability can be viewed in many ways – environmental is what we typically see, but it also applies to business and economics.… Read the rest
Why the World is Ending…
/in Community Impact Investing, Responsible Business, SRI Investing/by Pete KrullThis week, the Western North Carolina environmental non-profit, MountainTrue (which I’m the board chair) hosted the Wild & Scenic Film Festival at Asheville Community Theater. The short films were inspiring, enlightening, sobering and thought-provoking.
One entitled Why I Think This World Should End by Prince Ea in particular really grabbed me – it wasn’t exactly focused on environmental issues, but humanity.… Read the rest
The Papal Encyclical & Interfaith Power and Light Collaboration
/in Fossil Fuel Divestment, Responsible Business, Sustainable Investing/by Pete KrullAlign your Investments with your Faith Values
At Krull & Company, many of our clients are people of faith – they make aligning their investments with their values a priority.… Read the rest
Fossil Fuel Divestment Gaining Momentum
/in Fossil Fuel Divestment, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Investing/by Pete KrullRecently, the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, announced that it would be selling shares of Duke Energy and other coal-burning utilities from it’s portfolio. Why is this important? Because the pension fund is one of Duke’s largest shareholders, holding around 0.76 percent of the company’s outstanding shares.… Read the rest
Washington Advocacy Trip: Part 3
/in Renewable Energy, Responsible Business/by Pete KrullSometimes you have to meet where you have to meet. Representative Beyer of Virginia is one of the new kids on the block. Because of that, his office space is limited. So, when we met with his staff on Wednesday, our meeting room doubled as a storage locker.… Read the rest