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Beginning Jan 3, 2023, advisory services and related content on this website, including the video presentations herein, are offered and provided through Prime Capital Investment Advisors, LLC, (“PCIA”) a federally registered investment adviser. Prior to this date, all such services and related content were offered and provided through Earth Equity Advisors. PCIA is not a B Corporation.
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Advisory products and services offered by Investment Adviser Representatives through Prime Capital Investment Advisors, LLC (“PCIA”), a federally registered investment adviser. PCIA: 6201 College Blvd., Suite#150, Overland Park, KS 66211. PCIA doing business as Prime Capital Financial | Wealth | Retirement | Wellness. ©2024 – Earth Equity Advisors, LLC – All Rights Reserved.
Earth Equity Advisors Re-Certified as a B Corporation
/in Company News, Responsible Business/by Earth Equity AdvisorsEarth Equity Advisors, Asheville’s only investment management firm dedicated to Sustainable, Responsible, and Impact investing (SRI), recently completed its recertification as a B Corporation. The certification process takes place every three years and ensures that the principles espoused by B Labs are incorporated into the company’s processes and operations.… Read the rest
Gaia Herbs Open House
/in Company News, Responsible Business/by Kerry KeihnI recently attended Gaia Herbs reception at their new facility in Mills River. They are one of Western North Carolina’s newest B Corporations and they are an excellent example of the impact responsible companies make in community members’ lives.
The tour guide who showed us the new warehouse and office space described how four years ago he was living out of his car shortly before getting a job with Gaia Herbs.… Read the rest
Meet the domestic violence survivor changing the world, one blanket at a time
/in Community Impact Investing, Investing in Women and Girls/by Hannah Kay HerdlingerOctober is Domestic Violence Awareness month. It’s also the month my company turned 2.
That isn’t a coincidence. I started Thread Talk in October of 2017 because I am a domestic violence survivor, and I wanted to build a business that would allow me to empower and support other survivors, while helping me build my own purpose-driven life.… Read the rest
Earth Equity Advisors Sixth Annual Speaker Series
/in Company News, SRI Investing/by Earth Equity AdvisorsClimate Solutions: Taking a Bite out of Food Waste
Earth Equity Advisors is proud to be hosting our sixth annual speaker series on Tuesday, November 5th at The Collider in downtown, Asheville, NC. This year’s event will continue to use climate solutions from the Drawdown Project as a theme.… Read the rest
Earth Equity at the Climate Strike
/in Company News, Responsible Business/by Earth Equity AdvisorsOn Friday, the Earth Equity team closed the office and participated in the Global Climate Strike from 11 am until 1 pm. Hundreds turned out first at Pack Square and then the group transitioned over to the front of Asheville City Hall to express their concern about the glacial pace of climate solutions being offered by world leaders.… Read the rest
We’re Going On Strike
/in Company News/by Pete KrullThe team at Earth Equity Advisors will be joining millions of students and businesses from across the globe and going on strike for the climate tomorrow. From 11 am until 1 pm, our office will be closed as we walk from our Downtown Asheville office to Pack Square and City Hall to strike for global action on climate.… Read the rest
Support your Favorite Charity with a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
/in Financial Planning/by Neill YelvertonWe know that it is important to many of you to support the invaluable work of non-profit organizations. There are numerous ways to maximize your gift as well as your personal tax benefit – if you have an IRA, one way is a Qualified Charitable Distribution or QCD. … Read the rest
Earth Equity’s Kerry Keihn Attends Ten Thousand Villages National Workshop
/in Community Impact Investing, Company News, Investing in Women and Girls/by Kerry Keihn